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Today’s Pontificate – For years I have been kinda perplexed with this idea that the goal in life is the pursuit of “living the good life”. Usually it’s attached to some desire for retirement. I am not sure how that is defined, to be quite honest.
Generally speaking the phrase is used to make retirement all the more attractive to us Boomers. I mean, all those ads showing happy older folks (I’m still in denial of using that to describe my own position in society) in some form of geriatric ecstacy for moving into a retirement community somehow don’t titillate me.
You see all those images of agile older folks in active pursuits like riding bikes, jogging, playing golf, boating…
…and then relaxing on the beach. The beach is apparently the focus of living the good life; the icon of everything a healthy retirement couple would want out of life. Beach images galore; walking older people… no limping gaits, no wheelchairs, no mobility carts outfitted for sand use, no cares in the world.
l am guessing that there are people like this that do exist in the world, given all the billions that live on this rock. But are they the average reality in life? I think not. If nothing else, just drive through a retirement community a see for yourself the hobbling about that goes on there and myriad models of mobility scooters scootering about (and those are the folks you can see that are able to go outside). I dunno about you, but I am of the vast wasteland of Boomers that have done little toward saving for my retirement years. I opted for using the money when it made a difference while I was still young to enjoy it with my family. But I am here to also tell you that having the money nestegg to retire is only a part of the picture. There are two other major considerations… health and attitude.
Health –

Romantic senior couple relaxing outside
Health is a huge issue with Boomers, as it has been with aging folks since the beginning of time. The last couple years my own health has begun to change; Type II is beginning to take effect in my feet… there’s some arthritis also in my feet and now becoming a part of my knees, forcing me to limp more to shake off the affects. In spite of my average oral hygiene attempts over the years, my teeth need a load of attention as they are no longer the pride of my smile that my mother loved when her and dad paid for those orthodontic braces back when I was 14. Things need pulling, filling, cleaning… and what’s left after all the spewing saliva settles will likely be nothing left for chewing. At that point wondering about some sort of living the good life will be overshadowed by wondering how I will pay for being able to chew food properly. I am sure if there are any Boomers reading this you can insert your own health concerns and maladies that might tend to question your ability to “live the good life” in your future as well.
Attitude –
The other major consideration not reflected in all that “living the good life”… crap… is mental attitude toward retirement. I am not trying to genderize or be sexist here… but culture being what it is, most wives tend to look forward toward retirement; being able to spend more time with hubby, the kids and grandkids. Very true, many women who have actively worked, especially with a career, will find some mental adjustments difficult to accept as us guys do. Take a look at those photos above showing the happpy couples. How many older folks do you know who even dress that way? To me those are “country club” styles of dress. Those people depicted in the photos are all slender… no obesity in their lives (makes me wonder why they even have grey hair; why not just color it to make themselves look younger).
Let’s presume those men in the photos who look the part of having been in career management in some form or another, actually were. I personally know of NO management professional that looks longingly toward retirement. A successful manager got to be just that because it is in his (or her’s) blood. Working long hours as an entrepreneur or CEO or COO is part and parcel to living. In fact… with many of “us” (I include me), “living the good life” was when we were the most productive… walking the halls of power, commanding respect in our own little worlds, and showing the fruits of our management prowess and labors. Do you honestly think retirement will be a substitute for all that? So right off the bat there’s some attitude adjustment needed before someone like that begins to look like the guys in the pictures in this post.

Just what are those two so happy about??
On the other hand… there are also guys who enjoyed working at their own level in other careers who would find the somewhat bland and unstimulating life of retirement to also be just as unfullfilling. Craftsmen and tradesmen who worked with their hands creating the world in which we live.. don’t readily accept becoming idle either. Yes.. there are many guys who truly look forward toward retirement for various reasons. My ex-father-in-law retired from the United Steel Workers in the Chicago area having looked forward toward retirement for literally decades (as I recalled his dream stories about what he was going to do over the years). Two years after he retired he died. In the other vein… an uncle of mine (who was the icon for what I wanted to be in business), retired and moved into a retirement community into his own condo in Florida, and became a member of the local condo association. He would often lament about the conflict of egos being so great at the meetings because all the people there were retired executives who never usually got challenged in their former fiefdoms, whose decisions were usually final, who commanded respect, and who were living in the past regarding their authority. Reaching an agreement was very difficult. Likely all these fellows were not totally happy in retirement, and that’s my point.

This is better.. but gotta avoid melanoma.
Personally, I don’t see retirement as any sort of a “good thing”. It’s just there and we have to deal with it. Even if I won the lottery tomorrow, while I might have no monetary worries, that will not assure I would be happy and most assuredly it will not make me any more or less healthy as that will always remain an unknown. Being retired might give me some time to conjure up a bucket list but I am no where near wanting to make a bucket list motivated by a “before I die” attitude. To me, if I haven’t already done it then maybe it wasn’t important enough for me to do to begin with.
If “living the good life” is some measure of stating one’s own financial independence then I am likely to finish life not having lived that good life. On the other hand, if “living the good life” means just that… well, maybe I have already…. and as long as I can still breath I am still living it. Retirement is just another bump in the road and not a means to an end. But then there’s the pandemic……………………………………………….
As I am writing this CNN is reporting that as of right now 49% of Americans are not saving for retirement… and 56% of 18-34 year olds are not saving. Financial gurus are spouting doom & gloom when these folks reach retirement age unless they change their ways. Money is only one third of the problem. Maybe sink the national resources into making us live longer.. and stay in the workplace longer… to produce longer. Since I’m exiting the 60 years mark, getting a job is next to impossible. How about changing that.
Now what?
Ah, a comment box!
Well, I was one of those who eagerly anticipated retirement, and took it as soon as I was financially able to exist on the two pensions I had paid into for almost 35 years. Moving away from London was also a requirement, as that city is no place to be old in. Five years later, I finally got my State Pension, boosting my income by 30%. I could now actually save a little money, instead of just being able to pay for all I needed with little in reserve.
I harboured no longing to be back at work whatsoever. I tried a few volunteering jobs for a couple of years, but they just ended up feeling like working for nothing, and being treated as an ’employee’. So I turned to blogging and writing, and bought new cameras to photograph the new surroundings. I learned not to expect too much. No exotic holidays, no changing the car every few years, and having to put money aside to pay people to do routine things for me as I got older.
I get by okay. I am neither rich, nor poor. But the ‘gold’ is in never having to be bossed around by people I don’t respect, ever again.
Best wishes, Pete.
Yes, retirement is whatever one chooses to make it… and in our case over here, Social Security, coupled with working.. makes a fairly good income to support two people… and my GF also gets a monthly check. But next month I reach 70.. and I certainly don’t feel like an old fart… yet I find myself contemplating whether I should continue working.. with the covid threat lurking about… or just plain fully retire. Yet if I do that I loose a good chunk o’ change. But my ex-father-in-law was like you.. we was anxious to retire because works was not “fun” anymore and working for incompetent bosses was a large part of that.
How far down the list are you before getting the vaccine?
???? “But my ex-father-in-law was like you.. we was anxious to retire because works was not “fun” anymore…” What kind of damn grammar is that? Ohh.. wait… I’m supposed to do that when I am old. :/
First will be people in care homes and the staff.who look after them Then all NHS front line staff, then people over 80. I expect I will qualify fairly soon in 2021, as I will be 69 next year.
I wish you well always, Pete.. good luck with the vaccine. You will get it before me.. so if you end up growing an extra appendage you’ll have to let me know.
I finally got through to you….retirement….gives me all the time I need for research…..bookmarked this and will get caught up as soon as I can chuq
I retired at 50, I know how to make money work for me rather than working for money. That is unlikely to happen to you Doug and all your Marxist friends.
Hehe.. well.. good for you retiring at 50. Makes you enjoy life at a younger age. I am well past 50… so you are correct that the same thing would not happen to me. I still work. The greater question to you is.. are you happy? Not so sure that comes through on your posts.